So so good, Shawn. Thank you the ways you lead us through.

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This is so helpful and encouraging -- thanks!

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I'm intrigued by these thoughts on patience.

Indeed, time is needed not just for the actual writing part of this work, and for revision, and for seeking publication, but for the thinking that precedes and surrounds these -- the interior and exterior experiences and the marination of those experiences into something rich to then communicate.

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Mar 21Liked by Shawn Smucker

"It’s the audience you have, not the audience you wish for, that you should be serving." Yes, yes, yes. Thank you, Shawn. This is exactly what I needed to read today!

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Mar 21Liked by Shawn Smucker

This whole post. Thank you. But especially the Bluey meme at the end. Bluey really is the best. I can't tell you how much it's changed my parenting for the better. Sad, I've gotten more encouragement from, felt seen by, and been gently corrected by that show than any Christian (or secular) parenting book. Also, it's good storytelling. It's one of a handful of kids shows I can watch without my brain melting. So yeah, thanks. :)

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Mar 21Liked by Shawn Smucker

Last night, before bed, I wrote in my journal, "I give up." But giving "it up" is a much, much better idea. So many changes in our family and life write now, it's hard to keep my head in the long story I've been working to revise. Feels impossible. Thanks for pointing the way home.

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Apr 21Liked by Shawn Smucker

Lovely Shawn.

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Mar 28Liked by Shawn Smucker

Very beautiful. Yes, to write, for the love.

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Mar 23Liked by Shawn Smucker

Yep! Was just thinking a lot of this today too!

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I was *JUST* writing in my journal the other day about tending to my own garden. It was an overflow of some time spent in John 15 and 1 Corinthians 12, but ultimately I was reminded that everyone's work and life can bear similar fruit that takes different shape.

Some things grow well in the soil of my garden (and life) and others simply don't -- sweet potatoes that don't grow to full size and yet my strawberries have inexplicably taken on a life of their own in another bed.

When I've got eyes on what others are able to do or not to do with their literal and figurative gardens I miss the unique challenges and joys of caring for mine. Of being grateful for the fruit that does inevitably come.

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Mar 21Liked by Shawn Smucker

Shawn I’ve really loved your recent posts about your writing process. Thank you for letting us in!

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I wrote a blog post back in the day about "tending your own garden," and I know JDL has talked about it/written about it too -- so you are correct on both! :) Good post, Shawn.

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Thank you for this thoughtful response! I love how you always direct others back to the basics- which are the things we can control.

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Not everyone will like my writing and that's a good thing. I strive to find my niche, those trying to make sense of some of the same things as I am. Thank you for this well-written post. I found it very encouraging.

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Mar 21Liked by Shawn Smucker

Can I push back on the ranking of audience? It seems like we have to balance our own enjoyment with those of others, much like how we create hospitality by tapping into both our own tastes and what would appeal to our guests. It feels like they have equal weight and we are always considering both simultaneously. Maybe that’s what you’re saying already.

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Your first point really resonates. Thank you for sharing your perspective. Also, I’ve loved that Lamott quote for a long time now. :)

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