I love, love, love this. All blessings to you and Maile and the whole Smucker clan.

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Thanks so much, Tsh. I feel like ever since I met you, we've been traveling this similar path together. It's heartening to know other people are living lives that don't make sense.

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This is so relatable. We don’t make a living from writing, but could easily describe our life as one “with no rational explanation”. There have been so many moments of wondering how it’s going to work, but also so many moments of miraculous provision. It reminds me of talking to one of our mentor couples and the wife speaking wistfully of their poor seminary days, not because it was enjoyable to be financially insecure, but because actively trusting God and seeing him provide in such tangible ways is pretty amazing (even when it’s also amazingly uncomfortable).

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Shawn Smucker

I didn’t know Rachael was going to post above, and I didn’t know that she was reading the post at the exact same time I was, and I didn’t know she was about to text me about this post while I was just about to text her the same thing.

Anyway, Shawn, this resonates so deeply. The ache and the longing. Man. Thank you.

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I appreciate you both so much and have enjoyed getting a little glimpse into your life. Thanks for letting us in on your journey, too.

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I can't figure out how to word how much I appreciate this post. ♥️

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Are any of the art pieces available to buy online? Love them!

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We're working in an Etsy shop that will be up by this summer with many of these available as prints. I'll be sure to let everyone know!

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Shawn Smucker

Such a beautiful post. I grew up in the Lancaster area but have lived away for many years now. It’s always fun to read someone else writing about places familiar to you.

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Cheers to the beautiful and terrifying cobbled-together life, my friend 🥂

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Mar 10, 2023·edited Mar 10, 2023Liked by Shawn Smucker

Thank you for a glimpse into this aspect of your writing life. I've thoroughly enjoyed reading each book of yours. (And "You Bring The Morning" was on repeat in our house this winter. It's wonderful.)

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Thanks for always being such a vocal encourager of my writing, Haley! I really appreciate that.

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Thank you for this good word this morning. I needed it, as I often need your good words. :)

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You're very kind, Chris, and very welcome.

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I love you guys. I love seeing how far you've come.

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You're an inspiration to me, Lore. Thanks for being you.

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Shawn Smucker

Thanks, Shawn, you too! Writing is a hard way to earn an income, but a great way to live a life. I've yet to write a best seller, but I enjoy using the gifts God has given me to tell stories, whether fiction or recounting someone's experience. Just think, God used words to create the world. We use words to help people better understand it.

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Shawn Smucker

Just completing the edits for a client's 97,000-word autobiography this morning (the only engineering book likely to make you cry) in prep for our final meeting tomorrow. I admire your persistence and relate to your experience after making a living (often a very small living) for three decades as a writer. There should be a badge. Curious about the way God will provide next. Onward!!!

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Inspiring, Meadow! Keep going!

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