I don’t personally know any writers that ooze with self-confidence when it comes to their work. They may be self-righteous with their ideas or obviously find themselves attractive or like to brag about various things, but when it comes to writing, most writers are deeply self-conscious.
And this is natural. Just read Steinbeck’s journal in Working Days and you’ll soon discover that even the most popular and successful writers are filled with self-doubt:
My many weaknesses are beginning to show their heads. I simply must get this thing out of my system. I’m not a writer. I’ve been fooling myself and others people. I wish I were. This success will ruin me as sure as hell. It probably won’t last, and that will be all right. I’ll try to go on with work now. Just a stint every day does it. I keep forgetting.
It’s interesting to me that Steinbeck doesn’t get back on track by convincing himself he’s any good, but by returning to the daily work. That’s what keeps him writing.
Just a stint every day does it.
That’s what I’m talking about in today’s video below.