Welcome to our Nine Month Novel series! You can either use this series of posts and videos to write your own novel in around nine months, or you can simply watch each one individually and receive encouragement in whatever area the video covers for the week. I’d love for you to comment below and ask any questions that come to mind! All 78 of our writing videos are available to paying subscribers anytime.
There are a few things that today’s Nine Month Novel video (below) brings to mind for me.
No matter what you’re writing, when you’re writing the first draft, it’s so helpful if you can turn off the critical voices in your mind. Steven Pressfield calls it The Resistance. This is one of the most important practices you can learn if you want to have a long and consistent (and rewarding) writing journey. Too often, during the writing of a first draft, discouraging voices derail our writing, convince us we’re wasting our time and that there’s no point in doing what we’re doing. They keep chiming at us that we’re no good, the writing is going nowhere, and why even do it?
We’ll talk more about strategies for eliminating the voices in the coming weeks. In the meantime, do your best to drown them out and keep writing.