First, for those of you who are new around these parts, thanks for joining us! It’s great to have you, and I’ve loved seeing so many people coming along on this writing journey.
I mostly post two different kinds of posts:
Video of a novel posts, which are less video and more revision at this point. But if you want to view the videos I posted while writing the first draft, you can find the first one HERE (the first few are free, and after that you’ll need to be a paying subscriber to see the rest of them). These posts eventually evolved into revision posts, where I share the rough first draft, my revision goals, and then the revised chapter. Those are labeled 1a, 1b, Revision 1, 2a, 2b, Revision 2 and so on. (Again, those are for paying subscribers.)
The second type of thing I post here are reflective writing, stories, and the like. Those are free for all to read and comment on.
So, thanks for hanging out here, and on to my revision goals for Chapter Seven…